Easy Overnight Cinnamon Rolls

These big, fluffy cinnamon rolls are perfect in a muffin tin! Light, airy and simply delicious.

I’m still surprised how easy these came together. I made the cinnamon rolls the night before and then let them do a slow rise in the refrigerator before baking.

So fluffy and light. Here’s what you need:


4 cups flour
2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast
1/3 cup sugar
6 tablespoons butter (I used salted, but not required)
1 1/2 cups milk
1 egg, room temp

1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
4 tablespoons softened butter


  1. Mix flour, sugar, and yeast in stand mixer.
  2. Melt butter. Warm with milk to about 110F.
  3. With mixer on low, slowly add the melted butter and warmed milk. Then add egg.
  4. Switch to hook and turn to medium and mix for about 5 min.
  5. Drop into oiled bowl and let dough rest for about an hour/double in size.
  6. Drop dough on floured surface and roll out to rectangle.
  7. Add softened butter and then cinnamon/sugar.
  8. Roll up and cut 1.5” slices. I cut from the center.
  9. Place in buttered muffin tin. If you have a 6-muffin pan, you will have more dough. Feel free to put a few rolls in a pan for your family or friends!
  10. Place in refrigerator to rest overnight.
  11. In morning, pull out of refrigerator and let it come to room temp. Give it time to rise.
  12. Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 min.
  13. Top with cream cheese frosting.


Yes, you can freeze!

Yes, you can use any kind of milk in this.

Yes, you can use unsalted butter – just add in a little salt to dry mix.

Yes, you can bake and not refrigerate, but let the dough rise again before you do.